Tag: vic clapham

  • The Comrades Spirit

    Vic Clapham Vic Clapham, founder so long ago of the Comrades Marathon, got us to generate human spirit as we entered the long training months and then took on the run itself. Sometimes, maybe because so many complete it, so many ordinary looking people, Comrades seems an easy thing to do. Funny. Its anything but.…

  • History – Origins

    There are lots of interesting accounts of the origins of the Comrades  in books and on the web, worth exploring. The basic facts are the same. But one idea is not given enough prominence. The idea behind,in, a hard but achievable run, was to recreate enough of the hardship that soldiers face to generate the…

  • Head in the stars

    Yep I was born for the early morn. Stars press down, closest of all you the Alpha of Centaurus. Long ago on a midnight mountain run, you looked double to me. Been drinking too much, I thought. Later I read you *are* two stars waltzing, and because of Proxima Centauri, even three. Oh you stars:…

  • Gem in the conception

    The “ultimate” status of the Comrades Marathon lies first in its conception. Right there is the gem that is the heart of its treasure. The Comrades Marathon is about running, endurance running; it’s also more, it’s about the human spirit. That’s not something I made up. The conceiver of the run, Vic Clapham, had more…