This article was provided in response to Bryan J Veal about ‘Bloody urine’ experienced after running. Doctor Andrew Bosch – resident exercise physiologist Bloody urine: Why? Long distance runners should always keep a close watch on their urine output since it serves as a good monitoring tool for keeping a check on fluid balance, especially […]
Anemia and iron deficiency
Anemia has been identified as the most common medical condition among athletes. It is more common in females than males and especially in female athletes. Anemia and iron deficiency The capacity of the body to transport oxygen is one of the factors which limits physical performance. Oxygen is transported in the blood by the pigment […]
Human body – Heart and Lungs
Heart and lung function The human body is built for physical activity,not for rest. Man through the ages man has used his muscles to survive during his working hours, as well as leisure time, demanding physical effort. Today we live a more sedentary life. The human heart at rest pumps out 7-9pt (4-5l) per min […]
A run a day keeps you out of the doctor’s office
Those who run or walk briskly for 35 to 45 minutes per day, five days a week, spend about half the number of days per year suffering from cold symptoms, compared to sedentary people. In addition, about 60 per cent of recreational runners experience fewer colds after they initiate a running programme, compared to when […]
Runner’s Trots – The ‘plague’ of the exerciser
Running is good for maintaining regular bowel movements. This is one theory on why there is a decreased incidence of colon cancer among those who partake in running. BUT, it can also be said that it may be too much of a good thing. Quite common : An estimated 20-50% of distance runners have “runner’s […]
Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) – Upper Respiratory Infections
Exercise-induced bronchial obstruction is also known as exercise-induced asthma (EIA). This disease is one that occurs most in asthmatic persons. An exercise-induced asthmatic attack can be brought on by exercise in some individuals and can be provoked in others, on rare occasions, during moderate exercise. The exact cause of EIA is not clear. Metabolic acidosis, […]
Bronchial Asthma – Upper Respiratory Infections
Bronchial Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma can be caused from a number of stressors such as : a viral respiratory infection emotional distress barometric pressure or temperature changes exercise inhaling a noxious odour or the specific exposure to an allergen. Symptoms and signs: Bronchial asthma is characterised by a […]
Mononucleosis – Upper Respiratory Infections
Infectious mononucleosis is an acute viral disease that effects mostly young adults and children. Infectious mononucleosis, commonly called “mono”, is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a member of the herpes group. It has a major impact on athletes as it can produce severe fatigue as well as raise the chance of spleen rupture. Incubation […]
Bronchitis – Upper Respiratory Infections
The inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes is called bronchitis. It occurs in both acute and chronic forms. If occurring in an athlete, bronchitis is more likely to be in acute form. Acute bronchitis usually occurs as an infectious winter disease that follows a common cold or other viral infection of the […]
Hay fever or Pollinosis – Upper Respiratory Infections
Hay fever or pollinosis, is an acute seasonal allergic reaction to the air-borne pollens. Hay fever can occur during the spring as a reaction to the tree pollens such as oak, elm, maple, alder, birch and cottonwood. During the summer grass and weed pollens are the culprits. In the fall (autumn), ragweed pollen is the […]