The ASA Ad Hoc committee that met on Saturday, 22 March 2014 agreed to financial matters that involved cash flow problems as well as the selection of a Team to the World Half Marathon Champs in Copenhagen
The ASA Ad Hoc committee met on Saturday, 22 March 2014 and agreed to the following:
- ASA is experiencing dire cash flow challenges.
- The Ad Hoc Committee is in the process of arranging bridging finance to enable ASA to meet its short term commitments.
- The provincial athletics structures will be approached for ideas to ensure a sustainable funding plan for ASA.
- The Ad Hoc Committee is committed to finalising the SABC broadcasting agreement by the end of April 2014.
- The National Lottery Distribution Fund will be approached shortly for assistance.
- The office of the minister of sport will be engaged.
- A marketing company will be engaged to recruit sponsorships.
- The Ad Hoc Committee will investigate the disposal of assets, re-allocation of the ASA offices, the cutting of running cost and the restructuring of personnel.
Court Cases
- One of the requirements of the IAAF was that all court cases between ASA members be withdrawn. This will create a unifying and inclusive environment leading up to the elections.
- The case of the suspension of the five provinces has been withdrawn.
- The Ad Hoc Committee will encourage other members in the athletics family to withdraw pending court proceedings within the provincial structures.
- Elections for a new ASA board will take place on 24 May 2014.
- A notice of the convening of a Special General Meeting (for the elections only) will be sent to federations on 9 April 2014. Federations will be requested to submit nominations for new board members.
- The organisation of the SA Sub Youth, Youth, Junior and Under 23 Track & Field Championships that will take place on 3 to 5 April in Stellenbosch is on track and we looking forward to a well organised event. Boland Athletics will sponsor this event. The championships will serve as trials for the selection of the national team that will represent South Africa at the All Africa games on 28 to 30 May in Botswana.
- The organisation of the SA Senior Track & Field and combined events Championships that will take place on 11 to 12 April in Pretoria is on track. This championship gives athletes an opportunity to qualify for a place in the national team to the Commonwealth Games between 27 July 2014 and 2 August 2014 in Scotland. Athletics Gauteng North will sponsor this event.
International Participation
- A strong six member team has been selected to represent South Africa at the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships on 29 March 2014 at Copenhagen in Denmark. Members of the team include:
- Stephen Mokoka
- Elroy Gelant
- Lusapo April
- Rene Kalmer
- Cornelia Joubert
- Jenna Challenor
The team will leave on Wednesday, 26 March 2014. We are confident that they will do South Africa proud.
ASA office
- The ASA office is functional and service provision has been restored.
- The Ad Hoc Committee is confident that they are still on track to achieve the mandate they have been given in the remaining two months with the full support of all members.
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